Reach More People With Course Videos That Work

Ensure the details are captured in high-quality content.

Course Creation

Regardless of your industry, instructional videos are an excellent delivery method when it comes to interactive learning and growing your business.

Information Coursing Smoothly Through Video

At MVP we understand that knowing your audience is critical and will guide you with key decisions about your course creation video. We know what works and what does not, and we can transform an online learning experience with high quality video content at an affordable price.

Our Recent Work

My Video Producer Portfolio

Take a look at the small business videos we’ve been working on

Why Choose My Video Producer?

6 Big Reasons

Skip The Diy Stress

No… DIY video is not easy! Save time and money with a professional video production team.

The Pricing Sweet-spot

Your small business is on a budget so we have created cost-effective video production packages.

Creative Thinking

Let our small business video production company come up with compelling ideas to showcase your brand.

Fast, Efficient Production

Our systems allow us to plan, shoot and edit your videos in weeks, not months.

Video Works

Want your small business to stand out and attract clients while you sleep? Video is the simple answer.

Service & Smiles

Let’s have some fun while working together; our team is all about the feel-good vibes.